Sunday, 9 February 2014

It's My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I’m dedicating the day to celebrating myself, something we’re not really taught to do all that much.
I thank God for the man I have become, although I am not perfect,but  I believe that  I am one of those "GOOD MEN THAT ARE HARD TO FIND.
People born on February 10th have a clear picture of what they want to achieve and how they want to get there. The pursuit of their goals is likely to take precedence over anything else. Achievement matters greatly to them, as do the approval and recognition of others. Their clear sighted recognition of their aspirations, along with their ability to concentrate, means that they are more than likely to surpass their professional goals. 

I’m celebrating me. Not my accolades or accomplishments or publications or anything remotely tangible. I am celebrating my life. I’m alive, and so are you (if you are reading these words). 

I want to thank YOU, my Positively Positive tribe. I have published several  posts  in the last years and it has not always been easy . I’ve taken leaps of faith and risks, and still, you’re here, reading. So, thank you.
On my birthday, I want to know your dreams. That will be my gift. You sharing that.
Post your dream(s) below in the comment section.
You know what else I want for my birthday? I want you to celebrate yourself without any guilt or shame. Unabashedly, I would love to hear on my Facebook page what you are doing to celebrate you. You want to know why? When we celebrate ourselves, we give each other permission to do so. There becomes less of a stigma with really loving yourself and cherishing yourself. It’s not arrogance. It’s your birthright.
Happy Birthday to Alex To, Michael Dietz, Lionel Potillon, Ty Law, Don Omar, Emma Peters, Garcia Gabri, Jo Yeo-Jeong, Cliff Burton, Makenzie Vega and many others

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Ladies Shouldn't Be Exposing Their sensitive Parts

Understand that when you keep your sacred parts sacred, you tell the world that you respect yourself and can achieve your dreams through hard work and perseverance and not by flaunting your ‘assets’.
What makes human beings superior to other mammals in the evolution process is our sense of reasoning which must determine what the youth must put on and not fashion.

Recently, as captured in pictures, popular talk show host Jay Leno couldn't take his eyes off Halle Berry's boobs when she appeared on his show because she wore a strapless low cut dress that revealed too much of her cleavage.
See the photos below and imagine what could happen if they were alone in a room